
My Vote Kenya Project

Inclusive Youth Civic Engagement

  • For more details please
  • Project Goal

    Project Goal

    A civically conscious and engaged generation that promotes good governance and peaceful coexistence.

    Project Objectives

    • To enhance capacity of youth organizations and youth to engage in the governance and democratic processes especially the underserved, vulnerable and marginalized.
    • To advocate for recognition and prioritization of youth issues in key governance and democratic processes.
    • To support meaningful youth inclusion and participation in governance , democratic and peace processes.
    • Promoting accountability on devolution and local government structures so that services are responsive to citizen needs , promote access to
      socio-economic opportunities and make citizen voices count in legislation and administration.
    Key Interventions

    Key Interventions

    In Summary, we aspire to support meaningful participation of young people (female and male) in the overnance , democratic and peace , electoral processes through;

    Election Guidelines Framework

    Female and male youth are empowered to participate in the process as aspirants and candidates within the election guidelines framework

    Civic and voter education

    Civic and voter education so that they register as voters, and get out to vote for their preferred candidates from informed point of view


    Linkages and support programs so that female and male youth take up the opportunities in the election process as service providers to aspirants, candidates, government and other stakeholders.

    Project Outcomes

    Project Outcomes

    Improved democracy outcomes in Kenya especially for youth sector

    Issue based, peaceful and credible elections, governance and democratic processes.

    Youth are mobilized and trained to assert their power and draw their aspirations for a better Kenya through participation so that the governance and democratic processes are credible and consequential in their lives.

    A strong representation and participation of youth at international, national and county levels in championing social, political and economic development in Africa.

    Project Partners

    Contribution to SDGs

    GOAL 3

    Good Health and Well-being

    GOAL 4

    Quality Education

    GOAL 5

    Gender Equality

    GOAL 8

    Decent Work and Economic Growth

    GOAL 10

    Reduced Inequality

    GOAL 16

    Peace, justice and strong institutions