
Supporting revival of 4-K Clubs

OAY is currently piloting revival of the 4K clubs in Kisumu county:Nyangoma secondary school and Ng’ula primary school.The model is to help the school club to develop a kitchen garden which will be further maintained by the students with the support of the school. OAY recognizes the need to involve adolescents in matters of agri-business and nutrition.

In future, OAY will use the learnings to develop Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Education Training (AEET).

Project Goal

Project Goal

Promote gender equality and youth participation and engagement in climate change adaptation for enhanced youth income, employment and food security through climate smart agriculture, agribusiness and gender equality interventions

Project Objectives

  • To mobilize and amplify adolescents’ voices and meaningful participation in agriculture at young age
  • Promote youth participation and engagement in climate change mitigation through smallholder agriculture
Project Outcomes

Project Outcomes

The 4-K clubs established/strengthened and operational

Adolescents introduced to the concept of food security, agribusiness and good nutrition at a young age

Improved adolescents mental health through co-curricular activities and overall welllbeing

Project Partners

Contribution to SDGs


No poverty


Zero hunger


Good health and well-being


Decent Work and Economic Growth